Courtney holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Accounting and has accumulated over 11 years of experience in operations management.


Mackenzie earned her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Accounting from the University of Florida. She holds an active Certified Public Accountant license.


Mackenzie began her career as a Revenue Accountant for Honeywell in Phoenix. She started learning blockchain basics in November 2020 and eventually became the part-time accountant for dOrg, a web3 software collective incorporated in Vermont.


Mackenzie joined Figment, a web3 infrastructure unicorn, where she transitioned from fp&a analyst to revenue accounting lead.


Courtney was brought on to Figment to assume the role of rewards analyst, and that's how the two number-loving blockchain buffs connected.


Mackenzie and Courtney decided to take the leap and found their own accounting firm. Our vision at Hash Basis is to shape the future of the crypto accounting profession through our passion for web3 and expertise in decoding blockchain activity.

Why Hash Basis?

Our vision at Hash Basis is to shape the future of the crypto accounting profession through our passion for web3 and expertise in decoding blockchain activity.

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Thoughtful Engagement

We value structured collaboration and aspire for our communication to be relevant, thoughtful and kind.

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Bedrock of Ethics

Honesty and integrity are woven into how we do business - we will not compromise our ethical standards for anything.

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Researchers first, then Accountants

We value a culture of curious researchers who are okay with the unknown and relish problem solving.

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Customer-led Success

Our commitment to exceptional work and customer service will set us apart in the industry and drive our success.